nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl

nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl
nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl

Click here for Myspace Layouts

i like eat

i like eat

my favourite

my favourite
triple cheese burger

my lovely pet

my lovely pet
hamster cute
~~My LiFe NiNa Is FuLlEsT wIf MuSiC n CoMiC oF nGoX nGeX sPaGhEtTi BuBbLeS fAnTaSy HaMsTeR pAlAcE.. lIkE eMo So MuCh..To Be Or NoT tO bE,ThAt'S tHe QuEsTiOn.. UsE tHe LiFe FuLlEsT~~

nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!

nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!
nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!

PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers


Sunday, November 28, 2010

cornetto day!!!

haaaa.....sbenar nye pic nie time bulan pose baru nie...sempat agi amik pic...he~~ my mum yg kasi...die pegi kb mall..tinggal jer kat umah ngan adik...yg lain smua pegi kb mall...kazen ke surau...huuu!!!balik2 dpt cornetto free...hell yeaaa...thank my mum...cayalahh beb...best2...haha adik laki aq jerp yg ta dpt coz die pegi lain tah kemana la....yg blakang duk diri uh adik bongsu aq!!hehe...ceyhh cornetto so much....saranghae!!!!!

this pic at tesco...owww yeaaaa...time pose gak...first pegi bukak pose ngan big family kat blakang hotel per ek??? hmmm lupe la frens...haha...siap2 makan balik jap solat maghrib la beb....lpas siap trus pegi,my mum n kazen..waduhhhh siap2 posing agi nie...bukan model kitkat la bro..just poing jer nak promote kat u all...mahal giler btw berpatutan pom best...

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