nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl

nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl
nina is ngox ngex shawty noty girl

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i like eat

i like eat

my favourite

my favourite
triple cheese burger

my lovely pet

my lovely pet
hamster cute
~~My LiFe NiNa Is FuLlEsT wIf MuSiC n CoMiC oF nGoX nGeX sPaGhEtTi BuBbLeS fAnTaSy HaMsTeR pAlAcE.. lIkE eMo So MuCh..To Be Or NoT tO bE,ThAt'S tHe QuEsTiOn.. UsE tHe LiFe FuLlEsT~~

nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!

nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!
nina is ngox ngex spaghetti bubbles girl!!!

PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers


Thursday, December 23, 2010


haha . tdi awal2 bngun ke skolah . before that pegi amik pic dulu . then smpai kat skola . haishhh ckgu2 da ade tuh . hmm . debar dup dap dup dap . adessss . kenaliman terserlah . ayaaaaaa . hmm msuk skoloh lepok lu nge saim2 uh . lamo tep dop jupo . eyhh semua brubah tau ! adess =.= then masuk bilik pengawas dulu try baju pengawas . hahaha sempat agi . then pengumuman guru suh pegi foyer . dgr taklimat dulu . tek tek tek dgr sep2 cikgu duk koyok slip pmr . adoiii . koyo nalim wei . tobak eyh . jntung aq nop cabut doh nie . kul 12 ckgu oyap bleyh doh gi amik . fuhh . bratur punyo bratur . my teacher pnggil doe =.= AMANINA MOHD YUSRI . . haishhh namo aq uh . hmm . 'taniah la deh amanina' aq senyum lebar . pah aq gi jupo nge ckgu2 hop aq bleyh aq . alhamdulillah ya allah . slamo aq blajar 3thun tuh bleyh ugop a .

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